Nicole Bridesmaid: the first collection of wedding dresses dedicated to your bridesmaids


Begin the post with a H1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porta turpis sem, nec eleifend urna maximus non. Nullam condimentum dignissim velit, quis congue nibh placerat eu. Proin elementum odio nec orci sodales rutrum in sed magna. Phasellus cursus lacus sit amet mattis lobortis. Mauris fringilla nisi eu elit posuere, ac blandit velit sollicitudin.

Use H2 on the rest of headings  / Drag and drop the Heaging from Elements

Do not add a line break if there is an image afterwards, the image with the class "post-image" already has a margin.

negozio abito da sposa Nicolenegozio abito da sposa Nicole

Post image footer - Add always the class

Align the post-image-footer to the right side if it's a link like the next example

Vestibulum porta dui nibh, sed rhoncus est sodales quis. Nullam vitae mi vel felis feugiat mollis. In vel mi ut risus fringilla fermentum. Maecenas viverra, dui eget blandit imperdiet, urna mi convallis est, sed interdum lacus lectus sit amet purus. Cras sed felis ut nisi hendrerit hendrerit ut at leo. Phasellus et metus vitae nunc fermentum molestie ac vel sem.

Example product link image footer


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